Mitsar-EEG-202 amplifier
Product Description
Great News!
24 EEG channel system Mitsar-EEG 202 for the price of 201 amp. The price shown includes international and local delivery
Mitsar 202 amp is equipped with 24 EEG and 8 poly channel amplifier with a wide frequency band that starts just from 0 Hz up to 150 Hz. It is a DC amp and allows the recording of slow cortical potentials.
Digital electroencephalographic system Mitsar-EEG-202-24 for qEEG investigations:
24 EEG and 8 POLY channel amplifier box, PC USB cable (5 meters)
Software package:
-EEGStudio Acquisition software for EEG recording/display/export
-EEGStudio Processing and analysis (including QEEG and ICA analysis)
-WinEEG software for advanced QEEG analysis including ICA decomposition
Software license
Operation manual
Additional Information:
Applications include resting states EEG recording and analysis
High-Quality EEG Recording is now easy!
- Safe Computer interface with no risk of accidental disconnection and losing EEG data.
- Low noise USB powered amplifier
Please note Complete set-up includes all support you need to start using your equipment as well as ongoing troubleshooting and software upgrades. Also
- Hands-on training
- Masterclasses on clinical cases
- Brain-Computer interface research and practical application design
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